• info@gddsrilanka.org |
  • +94 765 66 82 92
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Good Deeds Day is an annual tradition of good deeds. All over the world, hundreds of thousands choose to volunteer and help others, putting into practice the simple idea that every single person can do something good, be it large or small, to improve the lives of others and positively change the world.


THE VISION : Good Deeds Day was initiated in 2007 by businesswoman and philanthropist, Shari Arison, and launched and organized by Ruach Tova (NGO), a part of The Ted Arison Family Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the Arison Group. “I believe that if people will think good, speak good and do good, the circles of goodness will grow in the world. Good Deeds Day has become the leading day of giving and this year individuals, school children, students, soldiers and employees from many businesses are joining in for the annual Good Deeds Day with the aim of doing a good deed for others,” says Shari Arison. readmore : ...


GDD Sri Lanka is a platform under Good Deeds Day Foundation which aims to plan & execute social innovation and charitable projects in order to push forward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) across the island. Our initiatives promote using individual efforts to create positive impacts & changes to the society. Through the GDD Sri Lanka online platform we hope to connect the world & bringing action to ideas of change for the better. We hope to inspire and be inspired by charity groups, celebrities, the ordinary person and their extraordinary stories. GDD Sri Lanka comprises shared information and materials related to the development of volunteer service, charitable organization and projects across the island.  It also serves as a communications hub for individuals or Group VOLUNTEERS, NGOs, CHARITABLE Organization and Community Projects across the globe.


Our mission is to work with communities to end hunger and poverty and care for the Earth & inspire our community memebrs of lifelong learning, advance knowledge, and strengthen our communities while enabling to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty in the island.


A world of hope, tolerance and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and all people live in dignity and security in which all people have pathways to health and opportunity & all their children in this nation will have the opportunity to attain an excellent education.


We are a non-profitable organization working towards non resolved issues across the country

Finding Solution to Human - Wild Elephant Conflict North Centrral Province

Raised : $0.00 / $0.00

Human-elephant conflict (HEC) has become a serious socio-economic and conservation problem in Sri Lanka.Sri Lanka had the highest annual elephant deaths and second highest human deaths, due to HEC. Male mortality was higher in both elephants and people. Conflict has greatly increased in intensity and geographic extent from that reported previously. The highest conflict has shifted from the Northwest to the East and North-Central areas, with the Northwest showing a decline in conflict. The changes in different areas were probably related to differences in management actions and developmental activity. Further increase in HEC is likely in the Eastern, North-Central and Northern regions.

Avoid Hunger Project in Rural Community

Raised : $0.00 / $0.00

Over 60 percent of households in the Northern Province are food insecure (46 percent moderately food insecure and 15 percent severely food insecure). This despite improvements among the returnee1 population in income and food security levels since October 2010. The trend and severity of food insecurity are particularly worrisome in Killinochchi. Low income levels and high food prices have led to weak purchasing power of households in the Northern and Eastern Provinces. As a result, there are signs of asset depletion, high indebtedness and adaptation of relatively serious coping behaviors, especially in the Northern Province. In Vavuniya and Jaffna, the level of need in the not recently returned population – a population not typically the focus of assistance – is of similar severity as the rcently returned population. The most substantial food assistance reduction is expected in Mullaitivu where the situation requires close monitoring in the near future.

Enhance Young Buddhist Monks & school leavers secondary education project in Nothern & North Central Provinces

Raised : $0.00 /$0.00

“GDD Srilanka has a long presence in the North Central Province, focusing on the most vulnerable children, families and communities. Early Childhood Education and Care (ECCD) is one of the most important initiatives in ensuring a solid foundation to achieving a full education for the children of Sri Lanka. This partnership builds on the work already done and will help to ensure sustainability of the pre-school and other educational institutions in the province.





happy peope











S S Senawatte

Founder / CEO

Simon Tyler

Co-Founder | Director - Europe Region

Asanka Sudasinghe

Team Leader

Nalinda Senawatte

Project Manager


By Admin | August 10 2018

Methods of Recuirtments

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam justo neque, aliquet sit amet elementum vel, vehicula eget eros. Vivamus arcu metus, mattis sed sagittis at, sagittis quis neque. Praesent.

By Admin | August 10 2018

Methods of Recuirtments

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam justo neque, aliquet sit amet elementum vel, vehicula eget eros. Vivamus arcu metus, mattis sed sagittis at, sagittis quis neque. Praesent.

By Admin | August 10 2018

Methods of Recuirtments

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam justo neque, aliquet sit amet elementum vel, vehicula eget eros. Vivamus arcu metus, mattis sed sagittis at, sagittis quis neque. Praesent.